Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, it's been over a year since I've posted. Remember waaaay back to the first post when I said i was horrible at this? Yeah, was not kidding!

Still working at the same place, still married, slightly older baby boy

Bought a house! hooray! and currently can't wait to leave work for the day

12 more minutes! :)

Friday, August 8, 2008


I told you I was bad at this


Friday, Hooray

Steeler Friday, even better. First pre season game of the year, against the Eagles, Hopefully we will win. Even though it means nothing, even though I will spend half of the game being all like

"gooo whoever you are, go" since the starters are only playing like 1 or 2 series. I always hate the start of a new season when you dont know who any one is!

but all the same....


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rain, Rain,

Jesus Mary and Joseph GO AWAY!

As far as I know, it is July 3rd... not April 3rd (Jacks due date by the way) so why in the hell does the sky try to drown us every single freaking day??!?!?!?!

Seriously, you might think I am exaggerating a little bit.... but you would be completing WRONG in assuming that!

I can not for the life of me remember a day in the recent past where it has NOT RAINED!

(okay, so maybe it didn't rain yesterday, but still!)

Yep, getting pretty tired of the rain... my frizzy hair hates the rain, my squeaky windsheild wiper hates the rain, every other driver in the entire city of pittsburgh HATES the rain and convienently forgets how to drive as soon as it starts...

I could go on. But, I digress...

What else is new? Not much, other than TGIF! yes, I realize it's Thursday.... but since tomorrow is the 4th.... hooray for no work!

UGH, my life is so boring isn't it?

How about some cuteness?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

And here...we... go!

Bored at work, can you tell?
So I am probably overly excited about the new Batman movie coming out, really, I'm not sure why. I've never been a huge fan, the only franchise movie I've seen all the way through was Batman Begins. I think it's because I was (still am) a big fan of Heath Ledger, and I've been hearing all this hype and buzz about his performance as the Joker, that I ran a google search on it last week at work, and I fell into this VIRAL world that I cant even get out of

Thank God I got to the party too late to really participate, or honestly I would've probably been fired, divorced and who knows what else.
ARG's rock my world, and I am super excited that the new Lost ARG will be starting this month.

Vent Vent Vent

That reminds me of 'Vini Vini Vicci'. No idea why.

Anyway, venting time...
Work. My place of employment is a Fortune most admired company, and has been number 1 in mortgage services for 2 years in a row now. All that aside, it SUCKS. Honestly, I have never been one of those 'the man is trying to bring us down' hippie types, but today my stinky free love having hippie side was definitely stirred.

Per an email from the head of our HR department:

"Hi Everyone:

I have had a couple inquires about the solicitation policy as it pertains to birthdays…

The solicitation policy also applies to collecting for birthdays. Departments will continue to be permitted to collect money to celebrate employee birthdays. However, employees may not use company resources to do so (email, IM, calling a meeting during business hours to discuss, etc.).

Please let me know if you have additional questions"

Yeah, I get it... 'What's the big deal, it's only about birthdays' you say...
They (the man!) are telling us that we are not allowed to discuss the planning of any type of birthday celebration during business hours AT ALL. So, we are supposed to all call eachother after work? Right.

It's ridic, next they are going to be telling me how to wipe my ass! 'No, no no, that is incorrect. Here, let me show you...' Gross!

Next topic.... survey says.... The Pittsburgh Penguins
So they make it 6 games deep into the Stanley Cup Finals. The city loves them, the players are amazing, like a well oiled machine. We lose, and the next week is full of players saying they will stay with the team, take less money even, to stay with the team
And what happens? POOF GONE, POOF GONE, POOF GONE!
Free agency is a bitch, and so are greedy pro athletes. Heaven forbid you have to live off 3 million a year instead of 6, I feel your pain.

.... aaaaand scene.


Yeah, so.... we've been here before. Blogging for me feels like going back to that ex-boyfriend. You think it's a good idea, and for the first little while it is, but then all the bad comes right back at your face like 'Hello, stupid. How many times are you gonna do this before you remember... I HATE YOU!'

Basically what I'm trying to say is... I believe this is my 4th attempt at a blog. It never works out, EVER. This is the only blog I'd been able to maintain, and it was only from September to November of 2003. Lame, I know.

So, dear old friend, I really hope it works out between us this time, I so hate being alone.